Speed Reading, Mind-mapping, study methods by fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

30 Apr 2014

How to read faster?-Speed Reading-The long reliable way

firstly it is possible to increase your reading speed and believe me it is not constant at all-

To increase your reading speed you need to-

1) Solve the reading problems that you are facing.
2) Learn how your eye functions and it’s effect on reading and reading speed
3) Learn the reading process
4) Learn and practise 2 or 3 advanced reading techniques with the help of a guide and a metronome.
5) Practice some reading exercises for a week and then you can use these exercises for any subject matter that you want to master.

Alternative to reading exercises is the speed reading soft-wares that can be used continuously for a month or so.

Brief description of above is given below:

1) Reading problems:

When I started the journey of reading skills, I was unaware of the fact that i am having so many reading problems.
i used to back-skip a lot, used to regret a lot that i am not getting what is written in the text. i used to memorize each and every line word for word.Then some good day, the sun shined on me and I got to know that the secret lies in the meaning of the text, not in the text itself. and then keeping this mind. i stopped back-skipping and stopped the process of regression.
there are many other reading problems that may be hindering you to achieve efficiency in life like concentration, motivation, selection ,rejection .(.See the article-Reading problems thatyou may have”). for more.
But the good fact is-all these problems are temporary and can be washed away like dust with practice and simple commitment. go to … Reading problems solutions.

2) Eye Movements:

You must be reading line by line. and if you are asked about your eye movements while reading then you would tell something like this

but changing eye movements and reading or recognising 3 or 4 words at a time can indeed increase your reading speed. To know more..  Eye movements affect reading.

3) Reading process:

it is a 7 step process where every step holds it’s own value. To master the art of reading faster. it is required that you master each of these steps.To know these steps go to .. Reading is a process 

4) Advanced Reading Techniques:

It includes High perception exercises with the help of a metronome,use of visual guide to increase concentration and focus, reading more than one line at a time, use of relativistic nature of the brain and use of motivation to increase reading speed. To know each of these . go to.. Advanced Reading Techniques.

5) Speed Reading Exercises/Soft-wares:

Once you know the correct eye movements,the reading process and the advanced reading techniques then learning takes the form of practise from there, the more you practise , the better you become and the better you become at these skills, the more you want to practise . and this starts the vicious cycle of improvement.To start with the exercises go to Speed reading exercises.

If you feel that you are not that disciplined to carry out exercises yourself and you feel a need of a qualified instructor then alternative to all this is the speed reading soft-wares available in the market and it is worth investing your bucks over these as they will be saving your precious time. To know more go to . Speed reading soft-wares.
if you truly desire to live a new life where you can see to yourself as one of the most efficient persons then i would suggest you to really take above as life changing stuff. Leave rest to the Almighty!

Next article in the sequence is Reading problems where you would get to know what are the various reading problems that may be stopping you to achieve what you always wanted to achieve.

28 Apr 2014

5 Top ways to become intelligent at school/college

If you were to think of the keyword-“Intelligent” then what comes to your mind? A person who is having a shining head and really a sharp mind? Sarcastic smile Whatever, but here today the purpose of this article that you are reading is to make you aware of certain things that you can develop to
1) Top that exam to increase your qualification.
2) Gain that knowledge that would come with that exam certification and apply it to a real life situation too.
There can be many definitions to the word intelligent - my definition is
Intelligent = able to top a particular exam + able to apply to those skills that he learned from that course.
You can write your own definition in the comments below and can let us know what do you think about the word  intelligent.
For the time being, allow me to take you to some centuries back, to the time where Leonardo Da Vinci was alive. He is still considered as one of the most intelligent people on the face of this earth.
He was intelligent because he was able to learn a lot many fields plus was able to apply all the knowledge he was getting in an integrated manner.

His fields of interests were-
1) Art
2) Sculpture
3) Physiology
4) General Science
5) Architecture
6) Mechanics
7) Anatomy
8) Physics
9) Invention

I know there are areas in your life where you feel like that you are a master. Certainly those areas are the one that you developed and nurtured over time but still there exists a part of life where we feel helpless and these areas are nothing but those things that have not been studied, practised and learned by you. so what is the conclusion? How can you pass those exams and how can you apply the skills you are getting from the course you took exam of? You just saw in the article-what is my true potential as a learner that you really have got tremendous potential but how to tap into that”genius you”?
The answer is simple and it boils down to this-

1) Increase Your Reading Speed-

Increasing your reading speed is a must if you want to survive in today’s competitive world. Average reading speed of a university student is 300-400 words per minute. Reading speeds with practice can reach close to 4500 words per minute. Some are here who photo-read and believe that our reading speed can be even as high as 25000 words per minute.
To be more clear, left brain reading is when you read something you hear it in your head and right brain reading is when you are taking photographs of what you are reading . yes photographs of the text man! Stay in touch with us , as some article would certainly come up with the topic-How to Photo-Read? [link will be given here]

2) Learn an effective Memory System

Learning a simple as well as effective memory system that can help you memorize.

3) New style of note-making and note-taking-

we all are trained in our schools either to take sentence-based notes or keyword based linear notes(i.e writing line by line in the order of importance) but you know there is a new way to take your notes and make your notes which is called- Mind Mapping (originally invented by Tony Buzan ). And believe me or not you would love this way of notes-taking and making. It uses colours, images. In the future, I will be writing on it in a very precious way, so stay tuned with us

4) Communication

when you communicate what you are learning then you are learning it right there. Because once a thing is communicated, then that type of matter becomes a multi-sensory fact (i.e. all the senses have been used and connected to give meaning to the learning material that you are having).

5) Learn how to do Mind-Mapping

Mind-mapping makes you smarter as a person, it makes you an intelligent and efficient learner. You can also take and make notes with mind-maps but there are other uses of it also.
Other uses include-
1) Creative thinking
2) Creative recalling
3) Planning for goals, story telling
And mind-maps comes with an additional advantage of reducing your review times by 90% and your notes-making time by 90%. Doing this alone can change your life. You will find an article in future in mind-mapping.
In the next series of articles- we will together dive deep into the various skills and would teach you until you become like a mind-master. All the above topics – Reading speed, Memory systems, Communication and mind-mapping would be discussed in details. And for the same purpose, you may find yourself reading the next article-How to improve my reading skills? in the next hour.Ha ha just kidding you know  Smile

27 Apr 2014

“What is my true potential as a learner?”

Most of us consider that only human beings are those mammals that when their babies are born, they are born helpless and this helplessness was the title of the article- "Why can't I learn well?". It is like not able to defend themselves, not to make any distinct sense out of anything but here is a new investigation that tells –it is shame to think it that way, because babies are really constant learners right from the start and I know we all were babies once in our life and we all went through that phase. Let me clear by throat over this-

If I were to ask you to imagine a time when you were a little baby and as you imagine that, I want you to listen to those words that your mamma is using, ya the words that really make you feel happy from the inside, I think those words were like- “Babeeeebbbaeeebbbaeee eeeeeeee.. kuccchikucchi kooo” and you know you would still laugh on these words if you hear them somewhere with proper emotions being engaged between you and the person saying this.

skills of a good learner
skills of a good leaner, these skills are arrange in a logical 
alphabetical manner
 without any special order of importance

What is happening here?
Here is the complete analysis of baby being a good learner :

A little baby who is entitled to be really helpless is demonstrating that his control mechanisms are working very well and it makes sense to him what his mamma is saying to her.

    He is smiling and giggling like a stupid and simultaneously demonstrating the skills of a good learner as follows-


                     For right brain learners, rhythm is the key, as a good learner, baby is using his capability to understand rhythms right from the start.


                     Right from the start, baby is mentally calculating all the time that what can be good or what can be done with this, really demonstrating the capabilities of a good learner

                     if I were to ask you to imagine the first cartoon that you saw and loved then what comes into the mind? Well every cartoon plays certain music or a symphony all the time in the background. Babies indeed as good learners are taking that vibrational input and really responding well to the purpose it was intended to. J

                     Babies when grow a little, usually play with their food, they want to experiment even with their spoons. They make planes out of those dry normal spoons. A childhood is really full of fascinations. For physics, imagination is the basics, you put into formulas what you imagine and then you let people know that this is the truth. Just like a scientist and a great learner, babies are using physics under imagination right from the start.

Spatial relations

                     if you were to imagine yourself  a baby, again a very good learner and a little scientist who once got hit by a wall while he was walking senselessly in the room :D. I think that would really be the last time you hit a wall senselessly, after that you must have saved your head, reason being that you learnt the skill of identifying spatial relations.


                     if you were to imagine again the time when you were a little kid, then you know once a word was heard with a feeling, you were to able to express those same feelings but with your own words. This clearly shows that as a good learner, you were able to memorize data, facts and figures, right from the start and were able to cleverly extract meaning from what was said.


                      Lot many things are learned in a day by a baby, some babies turn out to be good and some babies become bad . But the point is this- they are able to integrate all that is taught to them right from the start and show that into their behavior which really is fascinating and is also called the skill to integrate knowledge into behavior.


                      Creativity does not mean only being creative or it is not only creativity that you say and think creativity is. Creativity is the use of your entire brain, both imagination and logic to learn and integrate something in your life. A baby, for him Maths is a place of imaginations. A planet of shape 6 got a cross cannon and it shot a planet of shape 5 with that. And the result was to be declared that who won the war. The answer was 6. This means 6 won. Lol actually it was 6*5=30 but 6*5=6 is also true if you were to go with the creative aspect of the baby. Ha ha.

Logical reasoning

“Stay close to those who you know and stay away from those who are strangers”.. This logic makes us sort of introvert, at first when you and me were little kids, we were taught this and as a result we imagined something horrible in our minds. And now we give logical meanings to “why we are the way we are”.


                          Throughout the nine points discussed above, a baby is using his ability to think to really do all this .Some babies lie a lot, that is an example of a good learner having good thinking ability.

 In these 800 words you learnt what a baby can do, our next ball from the box would roll up and tell you- how can you become intelligent and it is titled as “5 top ways to become intelligent at college/school”. 

How was your experience reading this article, a valuable comment from your perspective can change your as well as million others life. To change this world, Tell us in the comments below 

25 Apr 2014

Why Can’t I learn well?

Right from the start I have been writing about the incredible powers of the brain, I told right at the beginning. in the article-"You really don't know that you are special" But still unfortunately, we all feel stuck at times in our lives and there is a real a mismatch between our performance and our potential and if you were to read carefully you will go away from here really happy.

Possible Reasons of your not learning well,
 Having knowledge of above one by one can make you a good learner
I want you to read the following points carefully and allow yourself to reply to us  in the comments about the way you feel about this

All of these are the answers to your question that “ why can’t I learn well ? 

         You can’t learn well because you were never taught how the eyes functions and how it moves and if you were taught then they schools didn’t teach you how to use the functioning of your eye to increase your reading speeds.

                You can’t learn well because you were never told simple but very effective memory techniques that can really help you memorize better in a shorter time and you were never told how your memory functions after all. Right?
                 You were never told about the way our mind thinks and about thinking at all.

                 You can’t learn well because they never told you how you’re brain functions and how can you use the brain functioning to really learn, memorize and think well.

                  You can’t learn well or you can’t pass that exam that you really wanted to because you may not be told any advanced study technique at all.

                   Sometimes you wanted to really concentrate but over time ,concentration really gets weak and our minds start wandering to imaginations which it should so you know you still can’t learn well because you were never told how the concentration really works and how to maintain it.

                    You were never told how motivation affects you and your studies.

                     Probably at last, with you  the idea of keywords and key phrases was not shared at all and you were not even told how keywords affects your note-taking, note-making, imagination and creativity.
Now if you just jumped over to these 8 points which most speed readers do then there is one important thing that I want to ask – it is- Does this make sense to you now?.  I mean there is so much that has gone unseen from the eyes that if you start from today with us. We can really land a place where the golden doors of new knowledge would get opened.

              “What is my True Potential as a learner? is the next piece of page that I want you to go for now as you may be still thinking or are a little bit not clear about your mental abilities. Stay with us.

24 Apr 2014

"Bigger Than The Universe"

Just like the previous article-["Brains-Discoveries"], this post is up with the purpose to make you feel that your brain really is very capable plus the number of connections that the neurons can make is really a very big number indeed.

I don’t know if you can imagine the number of atoms that this entire universe has got. Well, I don’t know how this figure is calculated though I know the result. 
Number of atoms in this universe is approximately equal to 10100 and this really is a big number you know, if you are a continuous reader then you may remember from the post – ["Brains-Discoveries"] that the number of connections that can be made inside an average person’s head is 10800. Now the interesting question is-how big is this number? Well then let’s go together on this journey.

  "There are many atoms in this universe, even this number stands short in front of number of  connections that an average  person's head can make."

I want you to imagine that you are starting from your home and you really are a person with special abilities. With those special abilities, I want that you imagine that you have summoned a good spaceship. Now as that spaceship is already there.

I want you to sit into that spaceship and as you are sitting. I want you to start that spaceship. 3.2.1… and here we are going out from your home.

And this space ship is so fast that you have crossed Earth which is having a diameter of 7297 miles.
But I forgot to tell you that though you are having special abilities but still you can’t get enough fuel for your ship. The amount of fuel that you have in your spaceship is just equal to the number of connections that can be made in your head by neurons which is 10800   that you already know.

Now let’s see how far we can get in the outer space with this number.
  1. You are going towards the outer space, a diameter of 920,000 miles is covered, now the planet Earth and the moon are just looking like little balls from the window. Can you see that? Lol.
  2.  Still going outwards with that fuel, travelled already a space whose diameter is 920,000,000 miles,  right now you and your spaceship are outside the solar system which is really amazing lol. And still your fuel is there.
  3.  As fuel is there, we still are going away from our home, travelled a space whose diameter is 920,000,000,000 miles.
  4. Still going, far far into the skies, reaching a space with diameter , 920,000,000,000,000 miles seeing the nearest stars which are close to our star “The sun
In this way, finally we are in space far far away from our home and our planet Earth, and it is place specially for you, because just with the help of the number of connections that can be made with the neurons in your head, you traveled 920,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles where you can see the nearby galaxies as just the dots on a black oval background, can you really imagine that? And the marvelous journey still carries on

Well as you have read this entire article and were a bit fascinated at times, a question must have popped up and probably I can guess that question.

It is-if you’re brain have this much capacity then why were you not able to complete that course or why were you not able to learn from that book well or why are you not able to memorize a lot many important things, concepts of your life. Well, all this is properly explained in the article-WhyCan’t I learn well ? ”. Hope once you get this basic understanding in your head, you propel towards your bright future by learning the techniques that would be shared in future.

How was your experience reading this article, a valuable comment from your perspective can change your as well as million others life. To change this world, Tell us in the comments below