Speed Reading, Mind-mapping, study methods by fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

25 Apr 2014

Why Can’t I learn well?

Right from the start I have been writing about the incredible powers of the brain, I told right at the beginning. in the article-"You really don't know that you are special" But still unfortunately, we all feel stuck at times in our lives and there is a real a mismatch between our performance and our potential and if you were to read carefully you will go away from here really happy.

Possible Reasons of your not learning well,
 Having knowledge of above one by one can make you a good learner
I want you to read the following points carefully and allow yourself to reply to us  in the comments about the way you feel about this

All of these are the answers to your question that “ why can’t I learn well ? 

         You can’t learn well because you were never taught how the eyes functions and how it moves and if you were taught then they schools didn’t teach you how to use the functioning of your eye to increase your reading speeds.

                You can’t learn well because you were never told simple but very effective memory techniques that can really help you memorize better in a shorter time and you were never told how your memory functions after all. Right?
                 You were never told about the way our mind thinks and about thinking at all.

                 You can’t learn well because they never told you how you’re brain functions and how can you use the brain functioning to really learn, memorize and think well.

                  You can’t learn well or you can’t pass that exam that you really wanted to because you may not be told any advanced study technique at all.

                   Sometimes you wanted to really concentrate but over time ,concentration really gets weak and our minds start wandering to imaginations which it should so you know you still can’t learn well because you were never told how the concentration really works and how to maintain it.

                    You were never told how motivation affects you and your studies.

                     Probably at last, with you  the idea of keywords and key phrases was not shared at all and you were not even told how keywords affects your note-taking, note-making, imagination and creativity.
Now if you just jumped over to these 8 points which most speed readers do then there is one important thing that I want to ask – it is- Does this make sense to you now?.  I mean there is so much that has gone unseen from the eyes that if you start from today with us. We can really land a place where the golden doors of new knowledge would get opened.

              “What is my True Potential as a learner? is the next piece of page that I want you to go for now as you may be still thinking or are a little bit not clear about your mental abilities. Stay with us.

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