Just like the previous article-["Brains-Discoveries"], this post is
up with the purpose to make you feel
that your brain really is very capable
plus the number of connections that the neurons can make is really a very big
number indeed.
I don’t know if you can imagine the number
of atoms that this entire universe has got. Well, I don’t know how this figure
is calculated though I know the result.
of atoms in this universe is approximately equal to
10100 and this really is
a big number you know, if you are a continuous reader then you may remember
from the post – ["Brains-Discoveries"] that the number of connections that can be made
inside an average person’s head is 10800. Now the interesting
question is-how big is this number? Well then let’s go together on this

"There are many atoms in this universe, even this number stands short in front
of number of connections that an average person's head can make."
I want you to sit into that spaceship and
as you are sitting. I want you to start that spaceship. 3.2.1… and here we are
going out from your home.
And this space ship is so fast that you
have crossed Earth which is having a
diameter of 7297 miles.
But I forgot to tell you that though you
are having special abilities but still you can’t get enough fuel for your ship.
The amount of fuel that you have in your spaceship is just equal to the number
of connections that can be made in your head by neurons which is 10800 that
you already know.
Now let’s see how far we can get in the
outer space with this number.
- You are going towards the outer space, a diameter of 920,000 miles is covered, now the planet Earth and the moon are just looking like little balls from the window. Can you see that? Lol.
- Still going outwards with that fuel, travelled already a space whose diameter is 920,000,000 miles, right now you and your spaceship are outside the solar system which is really amazing lol. And still your fuel is there.
- As fuel is there, we still are
going away from our home, travelled a space whose diameter is 920,000,000,000 miles.
- Still going, far far into the skies, reaching a space with diameter , 920,000,000,000,000 miles seeing the nearest stars which are close to our star “The sun”
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