Speed Reading, Mind-mapping, study methods by fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

24 May 2014

5 simple steps to double your reading speed and sleep calmly the night before exams.

Before going to speed reading soft-wares, what if I tell you something that really works? 

 You know to learn quickly and to learn well, to prepare faster than anyone else and to sleep calmly at the last day of the exam it is very important that you increase your reading speed right now. Not only reading speed but with increase in it you increase your comprehension levels too.

Reading speed can only increase if instead of Sub-vocalization (hearing the text inside your head that you are seeing) , you go for making visual images of the text you are reading.Perhaps your habit is to listen the words that you are clearly seeing right from the childhood. It is important that you get rid of this habit as soon as possible but who has got that much time when there are only two or three days remaining for exams. No one. Right?

Here is a quick way to double your reading speed and comprehension in 5 simple steps.

                first, Read groups of words together. Give a pause of less than a second after every 3-5 words, so that the meaning goes inside your head and you can get time to visualize the meaning of the words.

Visual reading-reading top of the words to ease the movement of eyes fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in        
     Second, Instead of moving your eyes from word to word, Fly through the words, reading only the top of the words, it is not like seeing that space between lines but it is to see words with your peripheral vision. This way your eyes can move faster. Way faster than before.

 Third, is to look at your physical posture- are you sitting on a chair? Is your head straight looking into the book directly? Are you breathing properly?. Any no to above questions is really stopping you to read faster and better.

            Fourth, instead of reading continuously for 3 hours and not reaching anywhere but developing that fear of the infinite information, it is advisable that you read for 30 minutes, make notes of what you read in 5 next minutes (only keywords), revise those keywords in 5 more minutes and then give yourself a break of 10 minutes. Repeat this way and you can continue for 6 hours, covering like 3 topics in 30 minutes. Summing up, it would be more than 20 topics properly read, revised and memorized. What else you need?

Fifth step is to re-read above four steps if something seems still unclear.

It's too hot today, why don't you go to the kitchen and drink some water? :D  you deserve it you know.

Other ways of increasing your reading speed are-

7 easy ways to increase your reading speed

How to get rid of confusion while studying?

How to overcome fear of studies?

21 May 2014

One simple way to rapidly increase your reading speed by four times.right now!

Most people when they read the text, they say those words in their mind.This is called Auditory reassurance by Irisreaders or sub-vocalization in general They want to hear what they are reading and most of the time you know what happens. The mind wanders. We fascinate about how sweet our partner is. Right? And then at last after some hours of messing up with studies we always tend to complain or criticise. But it is okay you know.

It does not matter if it is computer screen, an e-book or normal real life physical book. Apply the below mentioned trick or technique and you may wonder what you were doing before this

Increasing your reading speed by four times by curing subvocalization fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
Here is the cure- While reading the text, recognize a group of words visually and when the time comes to hear those words in your head. Allow yourself to hear- “mmmmmmmmmmmm” ( like Om’s mmm) or anything like –“eeeeeeee” (like “eeeee” in eat) continuously and repeatedly to keep your auditory sense busy with this sound. This allows you to make pictures of the text that you are reading. Get aware of those pictures and this would help you to recall what you have read more readily as you have remembered pictures not words.

For any doubts, let me know in the comments below-

Next post is about the Speed Reading Soft wares in the market-We all are good but I know we lack lot of self-discipline. Discipline is that willingness to do what you should do when you should do it whether you feel like it or not but you know using a software can be a good choice to practice the speed reading exercises, instead of trying to discipline one’s self  over and over and not getting it all. Do I make sense folks?. 

How motivation helps you to read faster?

One of the unbelievable techniques of high speed reading is the Motivational Practice.
People take reading courses, they get motivated and their reading speed gets increased by the time the course is completed.

The assurance of the person training them is responsible for the increase in their reading speeds , not the techniques man! not the techniques alone!

Significance of motivation in speed reading- Bull example
Also , a non-athlete lazy fatso would leave behind the athlete if he is being chased by a bull. You understand the point?. Does this make sense to you now?. Anyways , let us see..

I want you to find out ways that motivate you for studying faster. Is it that you want to be a topper or is it that you want to pass the exams without a sweat. Whatever motivates you, use that as a leverage for letting you sit down to study.  
Funny thing is –“the faster you read and the happier you feel about learning, the easier it becomes to comprehend the reading material and the easier it becomes to fly through books.

The next article is amazing. It is about the sub-vocalization cure. Now no more that little voice in your head. You would be reading visually which means you would be seeing the text as if you are seeing a short documentary movie of the subject matter. 

advanced speed reading techniques for reading extraordinarily from 600 to 2000 words per minute today!!!

Expanded Eye Focus for advanced speed reading fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

meaning of expanded eye focus technique- fastefficientlearning.blogspot.inIt is possible to take more lines of text in your eyes if you are not sub-vocalizing the words and rather are visualizing them. But I know when you try to go for visualization while you are reading, then that little voice comes in and it makes you stuck in the reading range of 200-300 words per minute. To quickly eliminate your sub vocalization problem right now, see- the Sub vocalization cure.

Once your sub vocalization is cured for ever, you can take more than one line of text in your eye to read ( i.e. visualize) and it can reach as big as 3 or 4 lines of text simultaneously (equivalent to 660 wpm reading speed) with some practice

Applications of expanded eye focus technique fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

You can apply this type of Expanded Focus reading on light material and for previewing the material of any difficulty level or for over viewing the material of any difficulty level. For beginners it is not recommended for normal reading. However, once you practiced for 10 or 12 days, you can surely allow yourself to use expanded focus for normal reading also.

Making expanded eye focus technique much better  fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

Use visual aid like a pen or pencil to guide your eyes faster. To know more press that cat’s food here (Cat food is mouse you know :P )- Visual Aid

High Speed Perception for advanced speed reading fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The next advanced speed reading technique is High Speed Perception

High Speed Perception meaning fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

Flip through pages of your book as fast as possible and try to not read but visualize as many words as possible. This increases your ability to fixate on number of words simultaneously.
In the book- Use your head, Tony buzan said that your brain is relativistic in nature. It gets used to the speed at which you read. Let it be slow or fast. Mind gets used to it.

applications of high speed perception fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

High Speed Perception can be used for previewing or reviewing the material of any difficulty level.it is especially good for technical books like engineering books.

The next article is about the magic of motivation in advanced speed reading.

20 May 2014

Advanced Speed Reading Techniques to Finish that Book Quickly Today!!!

Metronome can be used as an advanced reading tool. It can help to maintain your reading at higher speeds. Metronome can be used in two ways for speed reading. Tell us if you know any new effective uses of metronome in the comments below-              

Metronome for Advanced Speed Reading fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
 Metronome with visual aid (a pencil) can be used to maintain reading speed start from 90 words per minute to as high as 900 words per minute. For every beat, fixate your eyes on few words (say 3 or 4) and recognize those words (do not sub-vocalize), recognize and understand the meaning. For the next beat, move to the next pair of words and understand their meaning as well. In this way, a good relaxing rhythm is established for speed reading.

Visual Aid  for Advanced Speed Reading fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

                Next advanced Reading technique is the use of Visual Aid. Visual aid can be a pen, pencil or any pointer. Try to find out the pointer that best suits you. I use my mom’s weaving stick most of the time. Hehe. Though a pen is recommended.                                           
Practical visual aid for increasing your concentration

      Visual aid helps to let you better concentrate and focus by letting you read actually faster. To do this effectively, Visual aid should be moved smoothly. For each line, It must start from 3rd or 4th words from the beginning of the line as your peripheral vision gets in the words already.it must end before 1 or 2 words from the ending of the line.

   Follow these lest you should get stuck always. Just joking. You are smart I know.

Next post shares three more advanced reading techniques-Expanded focus, high speed perception and Motivational practice.

16 May 2014

Are you sure that your eye is moving correctly for speed reading?

If you were a slow reader, did I wrote-“were”. Yes! You were a slow reader. Now to increase your reading speed. To transform yourself from slow to an ultra-rapid reader,

Forward Eye Movement-for rapidly increasing reading speed fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
First thing is to eliminate forever that habit of looking back again and again the material that you read. In this field it is called as Back-Skipping. So first just go for the forward reading always even if you feel like you didn’t get what was written. The point here is to develop a new reading habit which is Forward eye movement. Overtime it would increase your comprehension levels as well as the pleasure of reading.

Proper Form 4 eye fixations to increase reading speed fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
Proper form can be to read a line of text in jumps of three. Each fixation can last from 0.25 seconds to 1.50 seconds. And during each fixation, please please please, recognize the words, let their meaning sink in your mind. You must not sub-vocalize them. Once you are doing this, you may find reading a book as if it is a scrap book. Cool! Right?

Eye movement Blunders while reading without fixations fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
Next is blunders that people make with their eyes while reading a text.

               When someone read. He gets bored quickly. Why?
Because his or her eyes are not able to send signals to his or her brain to make those essential images that are necessary to understand the conceptual material at hand. Moreover, we get so caught up dream about our lovers or about that cartoon that we watched in the morning.

To stop this all, Blunders of normal patterns of reading must be avoided. Blunders include-

1)      Reading by talking to ourselves (Sub-vocalization).

            2)      Reading without fixating on words. Something that you’re eye cannot perceive clearly. It cannot make sense of that too. 

Affirmations to improve your reading speed fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

A good psychological practice is to affirm what you want to do with yourself over and over and you may find yourself behaving the way you were affirming.


  Affirmation= Words that you speak out + related (thoughts + feelings + images in your head)
         Here are some good affirmations for good eye movements.

1)      I fixate on 5 words for 1 second.
2)      I go for the meaning. Not for the words
3)      I like to read and I know I read well.

You must be a relaxed state before doing above three affirmations. So do take 3-4 Deep breathes with your eyes closed

Pointers must be used to rapidly increase the reading speed- fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

It is hard to move your eyes linearly over text without any guide or pointer. Use a pen or pencil or your fingers. Fingers block most of your view. So it must be your last resort.

Practicing proper form of reading, recognizing words instead of sub vocalizing, doing affirmations and finally using pointers to guide your eyes to move smoothly along the page can make you a rapid efficient reader quickly.

Next post would put in your pocket the advanced reading techniques that can make you feel like flying on pages. It includes Motivation, Relativistic brain, Metronome method and many other working techniques.

13 May 2014

7 easy ways to rapidly increase your reading speed today

Image of focus- Focusing inside your head while reading  fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The first easy way to increase your reading speed is to focus inside your head.While reading a text, instead of focusing on the paper. If you were to focus inside your head then you would get conscious of the visual images that are popping out all the time. Try to generate images that are related to subject matter that you are currently reading. In simple words, instead of thinking about fear or about what is in meal, think about the subject that you are reading! .

Image of Eye expansion- Expand your vision by seeing up down right and left daily fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The second easy to quickly increase your reading speed is expanding your vision. This can be done by performing an eye exercise- See Up then down then left and then right and finally repeat. This exercise can be repeated few times. Take rest in between if desired.

Image of rest- always take a brief 5 minutes rest between reading periods of 20-40 minutes fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The next easy way to increase your reading speed is never allow yourself to reach your limits or get fatigued. This can be done by taking breaks after every 20-40 minutes of reading session. In this break of 5 minutes , if you were to relax then it would really pay you off.This habit of taking breaks has an added benefit that your understanding power and your recalling power works well together when your head is allowed to take regular breaks.

Image of Preview- Preview helps in reading faster and better fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The  next way is preview. Take this in your head that from this day onward you would  never read from the first line. First you would preview the material and then you would go for the normal reading.

Preview includes looking at headings, subheadings, bold letters and other important graphical parts.

Image of Review- review what you have just learnt in that brief pause can make reading more interesting and fun fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
     Review what you have read, again headings and sub-headings are valuable for the reviewing purposes. It becomes synergistic that the more you read, the more easier it becomes for you to read more.

Image of Habits- Change your reading habits, your speed would dramatically increase fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The next way to rapidly increase your reading speed is to eliminate all the reading problems you have in such a way that they don’t return. Now either you form a new habit that serves or you program your mind with some positive suggestion that you are a good reader and you see that you can read at an incredible speed. Whatever way suits you, do it.

Image of Softwares- Purchase a software that can improve your reading speed - AceReader is a good one fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
The last easy way that can really guide you well to rapidly increase your reading speed is that you purchase a good reading software. I myself use Ace Reader pro. These soft-wares though cost you a little but they can really safe your precious time. For more consider  Ace Reader

Next article is about eye movements- where you can get to know how our eyes really move when we people read. Do it move linearly? Let us check in the next article- Eye Movements.

10 May 2014

7 important steps of reading

Reading is multilevel process. Most of people think of reading as a process of understanding what the author intended. But the process must be more splayed as it has got lot of common associated problems with it like fear, back skipping, laziness and  impatience etc.

image of reading process- 7 step multi process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

image of Recognition - first step in the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
               Process of recognizing the print is Recognition indeed. It begins even before the physical reading process begins. This holds the first place in the reading process.
To improve you reading speed, you should let yourself recognize words. Just see them. You should never pronounce them silently inside your head. Sub vocalization should only be used at times when extensive comprehension is desired. 

Image of Assimilation- second step in the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

               Process where light reflected from words on the page goes into your eyes and then through your eyes, to optic nerves and finally through your optic nerves to your brain.

image of Intra-integration - third step in the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
         It is equivalent to basic Comprehension of the subject matter where you begin to understand what the author is talking about. Most of us think this is the actual reading.

image of Extra-integration-fourth step in the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

       Previous knowledge and what you are learning right now interact with each other in this process. It includes criticism of the subject matter, Appreciation, selection or rejection of the material is also included in this stage of reading. 

Image of Retention-fifth step in the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
It is the process where the information that you have read gets stored in your head. Only having this ability is not enough as most of us face that situation where we know everything but still can’t recall a clear word from the memory. So retention must be accompanied with Recall.


image of Recall - sixth step in the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in
                The ability of the person to take out the stored information from his/her brain, not literally of course

image of Communication- last and seventh step of the reading process fastefficientlearning.blogspot.in

Communication includes thinking, writing or speaking or any representational use in which the knowledge is put to immediately or eventually.

If you were to improve your reading speed then you may find that all of the above processes are improving simultaneously. Next article is about improving your reading speed by improving in all the above 7 process. It is titled as- 7 Easy ways to rapidly increase your reading speed.