Reading is multilevel process. Most of people think of reading as a process of
understanding what the author intended. But the process must be more splayed as
it has got lot of common associated problems with it like fear, back skipping, laziness and impatience etc.
Process of recognizing the print
is Recognition indeed. It begins even before the physical reading process
begins. This holds the first place in the reading process.
To improve
you reading speed, you should let yourself recognize words. Just see them. You
should never pronounce them silently inside your head. Sub vocalization should
only be used at times when extensive comprehension is desired.
Process where light reflected
from words on the page goes into your eyes and then through your eyes, to optic
nerves and finally through your optic nerves to your brain.
It is
equivalent to basic Comprehension of the subject matter where you begin to
understand what the author is talking about. Most of us think this is the
actual reading.
Previous knowledge and what you are learning right now interact with each other in this process. It includes criticism of the subject matter, Appreciation, selection or rejection of the material is also included in this stage of reading.
It is the process
where the information that you have read gets stored in your head. Only having
this ability is not enough as most of us face that situation where we know everything
but still can’t recall a clear word from the memory. So retention must be
accompanied with Recall.

The ability of the person to take
out the stored information from his/her brain, not literally of course
Communication includes thinking, writing or speaking or any representational use in which the knowledge is put to immediately or eventually.
If you were
to improve your reading speed then you may find that all of the above processes
are improving simultaneously. Next article is about improving your reading
speed by improving in all the above 7 process. It is titled as- 7 Easy ways to rapidly increase your reading speed.
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