While Speed Reading a line of text,focus on groups of words (4-5) at a time as if they are images.Recognize them instead of Reading.Pictures would pop up into your head when you do this. Then take a jump to next 4-5 words on the line and repeat throughout the paragraph.Fatigue-
For Faster Better reading, it is necessary for you to feel fresh. A fatigued person works like a snail.
Find out, during which hours of the day, you feel like you are absolutely fresh, I feel fresh after my noon’s sleep for 2 hours. The next 2-3 hours after sleep can be turned out into most productive hours of the day.Grab them!Recall-
you were in exam and you can’t recall what you studied last night. let’s kill this problem of speed reading right now-Distribute you study hours into sessions of 30-40 minutes. During a learning session, material makes most sense (recallable) at beginning and at end for like 10-15 minutes at the end.
All those days of long continuous hours must be avoided at any cost and instead you focus on dividing your time into multiple sessions of 30-40 minutes and take 5-10 minutes of break between each session.
After studying, you want to recall but you failed. Let’s kill this problem right now, just when you finish studying for an hour (say), review the notes made after 10 minutes for 15 minutes. In this way you would be integrating the material inside your head more efficiently because the connections made would be still fresh.
Reviewing for 15 minutes would make this knowledge at a recall per cent of 99% for 1 day.
To keep something perfectly recallable for a week, you need to review again for 3-4 minutes the next day, the notes you made the previous day in the study hour.
To put the concepts into long term memory of 1 month, review again for 2-3 minutes after a week.
To put it strong for 6 months, review again after that month.Speed-
You are done! now apply it now! and let me know man.
Speed increases dramatically over a period of time.What you need to focus is on the continuous effort that you would put to increase you reading speed.
To increase your reading Speed:
Preview the material that you would be reading, Newspaper,internet blog,book,article all must be previewed before the actual reading begins.
Preview is done to find the areas of importance in the text
It is also done to get the general feel and structure.
one previewing technique is Reading as if words were images at a speed of 4 seconds. per page with a guide/pointed object that would direct the motion of your eyes.
Follow all the advice, be calm and let us know the results in the comments below.
Next article would deal with the other 4 Problems providing their effective proven solutions for enhanced speed reading.These are namely- Laziness,Impatience,Comprehension and Boredom,
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